
Quasar 2 with Nuxt3 (Starter Template)

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Quasar 2 with Nuxt3 (Starter Template)

Quasar 2 with Nuxt3 (Starter Template)

This is a starter template for Quasar 2 with Nuxt3. Source code is available on GitHub.

What is Quasar?

Quasar is a full stack framework for building modern web applications. It is based on Vue.js and uses the same tooling and workflow. It is a collection of plugins, components, and libraries that allow you to build your app in a matter of minutes.

Quasar can be used to build web apps, PWAs, and mobile apps (Android, iOS, and Electron). It is also possible to build desktop apps with Quasar.

What is Nuxt3?

Nuxt 3 is a framework for creating Vue.js applications. It is based on Vue 3, Vue Router 4 and Vite. It is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. Nuxt 3 is the next evolution of the framework and it is not a rewrite. It is built with the future in mind and leverages the best features of Vue 3 and Vite.

Why Quasar 2 with Nuxt3?

I really like Quasar. It has a lot of UI components and it's easy to use. But I also like Nuxt3. It's fast and it's easy to use. So I decided to combine them together.


How to use Quasar 2 with Nuxt3?

Quasar 2 is a great framework for building web apps. It is easy to use and has a lot of features. However, it is not easy to use with Nuxt 3. There are some issues with Nuxt 3 and Quasar 2. For example, Nuxt 3 does not support the quasar.conf.js file. It also does not support the quasar command. This is why I created this starter template.

By using JSDOM to mock the DOM, we can use Quasar 2 with Nuxt 3. This is the main idea of this starter template. You can use this starter template to build your own web app.

Download the source code from GitHub
